Selasa, 26 April 2011

Skripsi Bahasa Inggris: Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Through Situational Language Teaching Method at the Second Year MTs.S Ujung Jampea

A. Background
         Language plays an important role in human activities. It is a tool of communication to express what one are going to soy conveys ideas, feeling, and about wishes to other. In our dealy life, we spend more time to do oral communication compared with written one. Some people may realize it, but they seldom think that oral communication is very important. In other words, we can say that language cannot be separated from every person’s activities.
 In indonesia, English as teaching English of foreign language is mainly to enable the student to use English for communication and to read books and references which are written in English. As know, English as a foreign language has become very important language in the word. So, Indonesia government has put English in the curriculum to be tough at all levels of schools. Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects in mastering English because the ability of the students to read and comprehend the subject is relatively determined by their vocabulary.
Talking about language, vocabulary takes an important element in four language skills, namely: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Vocabulary is badly needed to convey what one wishes to say or write, that is organized by grammar. When we learn a language including English, it always means that we learn the words of the language. Words are essential to communication that it is impossible to communication without using them.
Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects in mastering English because the ability of the students to read and comprehend the subject is relatively determined by their vocabulary.
In learning English, many students get problem is expressing their ideas, minds and feeling because they something lose their words to say or to write. So, in this case the teacher has to more creative in choosing an approach which can make teaching system interesting, exiting, and enjoyble. So the learning process in classroom can motivate students to learn more, and focus attention on the learning material especially on the vocabulary improvements because when they are motivated, automatically they can improve their vocabulary mastery.
Brown (1979:1) state that teaching vocabulary involves many persons and components the teaching of vocabulary involves teacher, students, textbook writer and testers. Teachers, students, text book writer and tester are the foundation of the learning may not be let weak.
The teaching of English vocabulary by relating to the situation has adventage that will make the students feel comfortable in the teaching learning process. They can get a chance to use the words that relate to the situation at the time of speaking. As we know that there are some students that feel english as a difficult and uncomfortable lesson to study. That reason make students are not interested to study english and of course they will not able to use its language skill well. Teacher must look for an interesting way to make students feel comfortable toward english. The writer then decides to try to teach speaking through the use Situational Language Teaching (SLT).
           One of method’s is situational language teaching. But, a few language teacher today are familiar with the terms oral approach or Situational Language Teaching. Even though neither term is commonly use today, the impact of oral approach has been long lasting, and it has shaped the design of many widely used EFL/ESL textbooks and courser, including many still being used today. One of the most succesful ESL courser published, streamline English (Hartley and Viney in Richards, 2001:36). This method is widely used at the time of writing and a very large number of textbooks are based on it (Hubburd in Henry Guntur, 1989:303). So, it is important, therefore, to understand the principles and practices of the oral approach or situational language teaching.
           Considering the statement above, the writer is like to conduct a research entitle “Improving Student’s Vocabulary Through Situational Language Teaching Method at The Second Year MTs.S Ujung Jampea”.
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background stated above, some research questions are devided as follows :
      1. How is improving of the students’ achievement of english noun through Situational Language Teaching?
       2. How is improving the students’ achievement to english verb through Situational Language Teaching?
       3. How is improving of the students’ achievement of english adjective through Situational Language Teaching?
C. Objective of the Research
           The objective of the research is to find out:
      1. To find out improving of the students’ achievement of english noun through Situational Language Teaching.
      2. To find out improving of the students’ achievement of english verb through Situational Language Teaching.
       3. To find out improving of the students’ achievement of english adjective through Situational Language Teaching.
D. Significant of the Research
The result of this research is expected to be useful contribution and information for teachers, students and people who concern about Language Teaching Method especially for the teaching of vocabulary especially on the achievement of english noun, verbs and adjectives and its implementation in teaching.
E. Scope of the Research
Scope of this research is restricted to the improvement of the students’ achievement of vocabulary especially on the achievement of nouns, verbs and adjectives.
F. Defenition of Term
 The increase in your child’s vocabulary that began in kindergarten and first grate will continue at full speed in second grade. The neural structures governing the ability to understand the vocabulary others use and the ability to expres though are still going though tremendous development, with corresponding increases in skills. (Pitton 1963:168).
This method is widely used at the time of writing and a very large number of textbook are based on it. (Hubbard et al 1983:36).

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